I am happy to teach' them about music,let them know much about tones and semitone.
i like to see their fingers dancing on that keyboard,and feel that my heart is laughing.I cry' for kind of exspensive music device,can you imagine how much you need to pay for KAWAI piano?? An STEINWAY?? Do you know why so exspensive to pay the music teacher to teach your kids?I never though' that i am earning for money by teaching music,never,...I love to share about my music knowledge,i love to see how my student created their own song..i love to hear' an original song that wasn't same each other'
Musician...never have kind of place' in the begining,but they make' people' laughing,cry' and sad with their own way
The point is, ,,People need Music..Music is hurt' us.. Why making music is so much exspensive..????? an exlusive things? I guess not!!
