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Latest UFO Sightings

UFO We received a report from Pyramid Cam concerning an image captured by their web cam on the 23 of March, 2006 at 14:04 hrs. The photograph shows an object near the top of the Pyramid of Kefren. The object is highly reflective and exhibits a clear structure. It is difficult to determine if it appears opposite or is positioned behind the pyramid. Puzzling that in the main photo the object seems to have circular form, in the captured image 47 seconds before it has quadrangular form. A thumbnail is seen to the right. I also received a photograph taken in 2005 in California which shows an unknown object, but after enhancing the photo I was still at a loss to explain what the dark, elongated object was. This happens quite often when an object just doesn't match anything flying. I also received a report of luminous spheres in Amatlán de Quetzalcóatl, Mexico June 11, 2006. They were of an oval shape, and reddish in color; again, nothing definitive could be determined at this time as to the identity of the unknowns.

The National UFO Reporting Center had a number of excellent sighting reports also. A report was received from Los Alamitos, California of two lights which came from one, and then the trio ascended out of sight. This took place over a 5 minute duration. Interestingly enough, in Redwood City, two spheres were seen hanging motionless in the sky. This was also a 5 minute plus event. Erratically moving night lights were also seen over downtown Baltimore, Maryland. The witnesses stated that the speed of the objects precluded them from being conventional airplanes. It seems that someone was watching objects flying over Cincinnati, Ohio, as witnesses saw searchlights lighting up the sky as unknown objects were observed with multiple colors. My home state of Texas also got into the act as witnesses in the Capitol of Austin saw a light formation hovering over Lake Travis from their balcony. The sighting occurred about 1:00 AM. There are more sightings coming in every day, so check back often, and until then, keep your eyes on the skies.

Source' :Billy's Ufos/Aliens blog

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